Sunday, January 25, 2009

Foster's Party


Graydon had his friend Duncan over for a playdate. 
This is what all the giggles were about.
The contents of his room piled up on our bed.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Indian Food?????

Marcel and Karen came over for dinner tonight. We decided to order Indian food which Marcel had never tasted. Marcel suggested we order his "fave" thick-crust, cheese-only pizza from Pizza Pizza. We asked him to at least try something new and he obliged. I feel really bad because I don't think he really liked it. He was polite enough, but I could see he was having a tough time with (as he puts it) "all the different spices".

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Fly

Graydon enlisted my help to create a scaled-down version of his 
favourite roller-coaster at Canada's Wonderland, The Fly.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cash Came Over

The best "Angus Young" I have ever seen.

Helmet Hero!

Help(?) Shoveling

Graydon helped me shovel the sidewalk 
by throwing snow at his brother.

Foster helped me shovel snow by throwing it onto the sidewalk.

Tobogganing with Friends

Graydon and I went tobogganing with Sean, Fran, Liam and Ella

Graydon's Sailboat

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Foster's Birthday Weekend

Mommy bought some used skates today.

Graydon is getting better all the time.

On the way home from Monarch Park.

Birthday celebration with Nanou and Bunka.


Graydon and I went tobogganing.

Yaya Bub and Uncle Rick came over 
to celebrate Foster's Birthday.

Friday, January 9, 2009

All About Foster

It was Foster's turn for his "All About Me" profile at the daycare. 
We decided to create a make-believe magazine cover and contents page. 
Here it is...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Foster

Foster is 3 today. 
Here is his Birthday celebration at daycare.

Foster getting help from Graydon to open his gift...

An Indiana Jones outfit.

Andy, Sylvia and Connor dropped by to 
give Foster a cool new Hotwheels toy.

Cupcake celebration.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

First Weekend of the New Year

Our very artistic and creative Graydon painting 
his "drift cars" courtesy Sonia and David.

On Saturday afternoon we went skating. 
After a few moments of initial frustration 
we decided to have a great time.
And did!

On Sunday Graydon showed Foster how to play Snakes and Ladders.
We also went for a great swim today at Birchmount Leisure Pool.

I made some Apple-Cinnamon muffins for Graydon's 
"Litterless Snack" program at school.
2 of the 12 ended up in my belly shortly after they came out of the oven.

Warnings on Graydon's bedroom door.